Over the 7 days, there will be a program of keynote Wisdom Keepers, workshops, free time, morning yoga classes, sound healing, an opportunity for spa treatments, cultural excursions and so much more...
This really is a choose-your-own-adventure!
You will be able to choose your workshops, reserve places for 1:1 sessions, and work out when you would like a massage at the spa.
To keep the schedule as simple as possible we have divided the program into morning, afternoon, and evening sessions. It really is up to you how many or how few you attend.
Just before lunch, on most days are the Ultimate Sister Circles, a group of women that you will meet with most days just for an hour to discuss everything UGWA.
You will get a spa voucher to put towards a treatment of your choice
To open UGWA you will be welcomed by Liesel Albrecht, CEO and MC for the week, and the UGWA Team who believe in themselves just like you. Some of them were guests in Fiji and made a decision to put themselves first just like you have.
You will meet the women who have put UGWA together, along with our UGWA Team, Wisdom Keepers Alana Fairchild, Amy Loughren, and Samala Thakialee Cronin among with a
Cultural Welcome to Country with Indigenous local elder Professor Aunty Henrietta Marrie AM,
a Wunju Bayal (Smoking Ceremony) by women from Minjil Aboriginal Cultural Centre.
After some dinner and drinks some of you may wish to stay up all night but for others, the travel will have you wanting to rest before we start the program on Sunday.
Our Days
Each day is slightly different, but in some ways the same!
Just before breakfast each day wake up early (if that's your thing) for yoga, an early morning walk or some meditation) or sleep in late until just in time for coffee and breakfast.
Each morning we gather together for 'stuff' from the stage - Keynote Wisdom, and women sharing their stories before we head off for Ultimate Sister Circles.
After lunch it's time for you chosen workshops before any number of decisions need to be made - like where to lie beside the pool, which treatment to have, who to sit with....you get the gist.
Adventure Day - Wednesday
On Wednesday you can sleep all day OR head out and about for an adventure to immerse yourself in this beautiful location - think Great Barrier Reef, the Skytrain, the Crystal Cascades or event a trip to the Daintree Forest and Mossman George.
The choice is yours and it is endless.....