UGWA 2025...Details coming soon...get your name on the waitlist
We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands that we are on. We pay respect to their Elders, past, present, and emerging. We thank them for their rich culture and what we learn from them.
UGWA is an
Adventure for your Soul
We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm, and adventure. There is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open. – Unknown

What is UGWA?
Do you feel like something is missing from your life and you just aren’t sure what it is?
Do you feel like you are lacking connection with people?
Imagine this.
A week away in an incredible serene location – somewhere where the weather is so nourishing and warm.
You can swim each day and soak up the vitamin D.
A week away where you can relax, unwind, and truly rest.
There is no need to work.
No need to rush.
No need to worry about anyone else.
No need to worry about what you’re cooking for dinner.
No need to be anywhere.
UGWA is no ordinary retreat. It will ignite the fire in your belly you didn’t even know was out. UGWA will surprise and amaze you and show you something you didn't even know that you needed. A place where you truly belong.
It is a retreat for women to rest, laugh, sleep, play, and just be.
Come and feel the magic that is when women connect on a deeper level.
It is designed by women for women.
The impact of this incredible week will last a lifetime.
Who knows, being part of UGWA could just change your life.
The impact of this can last a lifetime.
What's the worst that can happen - you could just lie on the beach with a good book!

That's what Betsy thought she might do when she was traveling to Fiji in 2020
"I almost didn’t go to the airport to get on the first of three planes. Halfway around the world, almost 27 hours of actual travel time, is a long way to trek thinking you might find disappointment when you get there. Then there was a voice that said ‘just go’. You can always sit on the beach.
When I try to describe that one week, even to myself, what I get is a picture. A snow globe, not with snow or glitter, but a clear glass sphere filled with turquoise waters. With sisters not by biology, but by something that can be far more powerful. I know sisters by blood that don’t speak. I can’t imagine seeing any one of those faces, any one of us, seeing another out in the world, and not having a word to say. We’d have too many. A binding such as that only happens through alchemy, through magic.”
Each UGWA is magical and unique
Have you maybe lost sight of who you truly are?
Are you seeking clarity on whom you were born to be, and what your purpose is?
Do you put others first all the time?
Do you overthink things and spend time wondering what else is out there?
Do you yearn to feel deep connections with other people?
Then UGWA (or UGG - WAA as the Americans call it) is for you.
You may choose to start your day with yoga, meditation, or a fitness class. Alternatively, enjoy a sleep-in and leisurely breakfast. The mornings offer wisdom from the stage, followed by Ultimate Sister Circles where you can share experiences and build bonds with a small group of women.
The afternoons will offer a multitude of different workshops from (art to rest to a dive into using your voice). Then plenty of free time to rest, connect, and explore.
All of this is punctuated by beautifully crafted cuisine and an opportunity to engage in some incredible offerings in the Healing Hub such as Reiki.
Wednesday is Excursion Day, where if choose, you can venture out and about and partake in one of the many options available.
Our passionate UGWA team brings a breadth of diversity and expertise. Read on to learn more about each of them and what they will be offering during our time together.
Here at UGWA, we believe in inclusion no matter what your story or background is - we honor the Indigenous people as the Traditional Custodians of the land we are on.
We have beautiful hearts and souls and everyone if you identify as she/her, they/them is invited and welcomed. We have a strong belief that this is how the world should be, inclusion without borders or discrimination of any kind.


Elizabeth Gilbert
Author of Eat, Pray, Love
says this about UGWA 2020
I had a most marvelous time at Liesel's retreat. It was a true moment of communion to be able to spend time in paradise with so many diverse, extraordinary, brave, and searching women.
Over the course of the week, we all took turns playing the role of teachers, students, healers, role models. I will never forget my time in this powerful gathering space!”
I usually start my social media lives of saying - "hello amazing women of the world" because I know so many of you reading this personally - and I know the impact that you have in the lives of those around you - and you are women of the world.
I created the Ultimate Girls Week Away (UGWA) because I want women to come together to connect, be inspired, rest, laugh, grow, experience the extraordinary, and just be themselves. I had a vision that it was for women from all around the world, who can come together in a place that is safe, where we can connect without fear of rejection, isolation, or being judged because of the color of your skin. Where cultural background, or whom you love doesn't matter. A safe place for all women no matter what. I want you to know that everyone that identifies as a woman, female, she/her is welcome at our retreat home. ​
​It's for women who want to grow, learn, and be inspired, women who want to have difficult conversations, who want to laugh, cry and just be themselves.
A container and the building of a community of nations and cultures - a community of change, that starts with us. UGWA is a feeling, a safe place for all women no matter what. Our team is women of different ages, cultures, backgrounds, histories, professions, family dynamics, health challenges, skills, and everything else you can think of. To us diversity is important, and we are working on some exciting announcements in the coming months about scholarships for well-deserving women from around the world.
In this time of technology, I also want you to know that your information is safe with us, we have triple cyber security and have constant checks and balances to make sure all is ok. And we do not sell anyone's information to third parties.
With love
Liesel Albrecht
Founder of The Ultimate Girls Week Away
CEO of The Retreat Specialists

Amy Loughren - The Good Nurse
helped catch a serial killer
and UGWA changed her life
In Loving Memory of my
Dear Friend Kathryn...
...This Is For You.
We all have those women in our lives who are Soul Sisters ~ it's like we've known each other multiple lifetimes. Kathryn was one of my Soul Sisters. I knew when she left this world, after her battle with breast cancer, that it was time for me to use the memory of her spirit and friendship to truly step into the vision I had shared with her so often... but 'never got round to it'.
Kathy, I got round to it.
Much love and I know you're with us all the way...
Learn, connect, and grow by what you experience. Be awakened and go home different.
Acknowledge your thoughts that seep into your soul.
Learn from hearing about soul dreaming and be grounded by who you are and where you have come from and what makes you shine and grow.
You will go home different.
Testimonials from women who said 'YES"
Bronwyn Roberts, Melbourne, Australia
Sharon Westin, Melbourne, Australia
The Values of UGWA
Be inspired by each and every conversation and connection that you have, whether it is a fleeting moment or a long lasting relationship. Every connection matters. When women come together something magical occurs - we find that piece of ourselves that allows us to rediscover who we are. That part of ourselves that becomes lost in our busy lives, and here at UGWA we will encourage you to just be you.
We gather together from a multitude of cultures, and we acknowledge the part that they, and the land we are on play in this retreat.
Each UGWA is different as we move around the world and we step into what the culture can offer us.
Learn, connect, and grow by what you experience. Be awakened and go home different.
Acknowledge your thoughts that seep into your soul.
Learn from hearing about soul dreaming and be grounded by who you are and where you have come from and what makes you shine and grow.
You will go home different.